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Spring collection 2012 Mulberry |
Happy Spring! Today,
March 20th, is the oficial kick off to the spring season and here in Granada,
Spain we are having weather which is very typical to this time of year. The last few weeks we had very high temperaturas
and it seemed like we had skipped spring all together and made a dash into
summer. But then yesterday afternoon the
weather started to change and today mother nature is reminding us that this
weather with constant changes, rain, sun, cold, warm etc is what we will be
in store for for the next few months and by no means should we be putting away
our winter wear. In fact spring is the
perfect season to get some use out of your light weight leather or suede jackets. In earlier blogs I talked about some of the
trends for next fall/winter 2012 and these same trends can apply to
spring/summer 2012. Remember the ¨Lady¨
jacket? That ever so feminine look. A great style for this spring would be a ¨Lady¨
jacket in a pastel color, for example, which are very in style this spring. Or maybe you are thinking that pastels don`t
really look good on you or that they are not really your style. Well no worries go for one in grey, black, red
or camel colores. The good thing about
these more classic colores is that you can then wear them later on in the fall.
¡Feliz Primavera!
Hoy, 20 de Marzo, marca el comienzo oficial de la primavera y aquí en
Granada el tiempo es muy típico de esta estación. Los últimos días hemos tenido unas
temperaturas muy elevadas para esta época del año y justo hoy con el primer día
de primavera el tiempo nos ha querido recordar que todavía no se puede guardar la ropa de abrigo. De hecho la primavera es el
tiempo perfecto para las chaquetas ligeras de piel y ante. En unas entradas anteriores he hablado de las
tendencias en piel para el otoño/invierno 2012 y esas mismas tendencias las
podemos aplicar a la moda de esta primavera. ¿Os acordáis del look ¨Lady¨? Ese look tan femenino pues para la piel
podemos buscar una chaqueta en color pastel, por ejemplo, que ésta temporada de
primavera/verano está tan de moda. O si
no creéis que los colores pasteles te favorecen o son de tu estilo prueba con una
chaqueta en gris, negro, camel o rojo que no solo la podemos utilizar esta primavera sino
también para la temporada próxima.
One of my favorite style jackets is the typical ¨biker¨
jacket which was oh so popular this past winter and is still amongst the
hottest trends. I am definately not one
to wear pastels and firmly believe that I can still wear black in spring,
especially in leather. In order to not look drab or ¨cold¨ combine
this jacket with something ¨warm¨ or colorful. I wear my biker jacket with jeans, dress
pants, skirts, dresses or even for a night out where dressing up a bit is
required. Just take a look at Sarah
Jessica Parker, she combines her biker jacket with almost every ocasión. What do you think? I think her looks are very fashionable.
A mi me gusta mucho la chaqueta perfecto o cruzada que se
llevaba tanto el invierno pasado y que sigue estando muy de moda. Yo no soy muy de colorines y creo que en la
primavera se puede seguir llevando negro. Eso si siempre combinándolo con algo mas
alegre y con colorido. Mi chaqueta
cruzada la combino con todo, vaqueros, pantalones, faldas o incluso para por la
noche con un vestido o conjunto mas arreglado. Mira, como Sarah Jessica Parker. ¿Qué os parece? ¿Creéis que sus conjuntos son acertados? A mi si.
How about combining your favorite jacket with one
of the hottest trends this season, floral print. Check out the celebrities who are already
sporting this fashion. Very hot!
Una de las tendencias más fuertes de esta temporada es el
estampado floral. Hay muchos que ya han
combinado sus vestidos o faldas con ¨floral print¨ o otros estampados con sus chaquetas favoritas
de piel.
How about you? What
will you combine your leather jacket with this spring?
¡Acertadísimas! Y tú, ¿Con que combinaras tu chaqueta de piel
esta primavera?
Looking to make your own designs or just want to add a touch of glamour to your clothes? Check out our website where you can by leather hides and fur to personalize or modernize your garments, www.leathertreasureshop.com or www.leathertreasureshop.com/usa (shopping from USA)
Looking to make your own designs or just want to add a touch of glamour to your clothes? Check out our website where you can by leather hides and fur to personalize or modernize your garments, www.leathertreasureshop.com or www.leathertreasureshop.com/usa (shopping from USA)
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