The word ¨Mod¨ refers to the British subculture in the 60`s which included music (African American soul, Jamaican
ska, British beat music),Scooters and fashion (tailored suits,
fur hooded parka`s). To get a better understanding of this fashion we need to conjure up images of Twiggy, thick long exagerated eyelashes, short pixie style hair cuts and for the gents, tight fitting suits and pimped out Vespas.
La palabra ¨Mod¨ hace
referencia a la subcultura Britanica de los años 60`s que incluye música (Soul
Afro-Americana, Ska Jamaicana, o Beat Britanica), Scooters y moda (trajes
entallados, o parkas con capuchas ribeteadas en pelo). Para
comprender mejor esta moda tendríamos que imaginar modelos como Twiggy, pestañas
falsas y muy exageradas, cortes de pelo tipo ¨pixie¨ y para los chicos ropa
ajustada y Vespas tuneadas.
This leads us to the second trend identified by Christina
McDaniel, IFTF`s (International Fur Trade Federation) fashion and trend
consltant, Folkloric Mod. So what
exactly does this mean? ¨Folkloric Mod¨ is the updated and more toned down version of the 60`s Mod trend. Instead of bright strong colours used 50 years ago this seasons colours are caramel`s and light browns set against neutral tones such as lavander
and a forest green. Here are a few
example`s, for men and women, to
properly represent this fashion.
Sabiendo esto podemos tratar
la segunda tendencia identificada por Christina McDaniel, IFTF`s (International
Fur Trade Federation) consultora en tendencias y moda, Mod Folklorico.
¨Mod Folklorico¨ es una versión mas actual y mas discreta de la moda de los Mod
de los años 60. En vez de colores fuertes que se estilaba hace 50 años
esta temporada los colores son caramelos y marrones claros combinados con tonos
neutrales como lavanda o verde bosque. Aqui os doy unos ejemplos para
ambos caballero y señora para vestirte según esta tendencia.
Guys here`s what`s required to successfully portray this fashion; checkered
or slim fitting pants, a tailored shirt or bowler shirt, a slim fitting blazer, topped off with
a fur trimmed parka. Throw in some Ray
Ban sunglasses, hop on a re-vamped Vespa and you are ready to cruise the
streets of London.
Chicos, para poder vestiros de forma ¨Mod¨ teneís que haceros con unos pantalones y camisa ajustados, , corbata estrecha, una americana entallada y un parka como abrigo con un poco de pelo en la capucha. Y si combinas esto con unas gafas tipo Ray Ban y tienes la suerte de tener una vespa de los años 60, estas listo para callejear por las ¨streets¨ de Brighton.
Ladies, we have two options, the more feminine version which is made up of a mini shift or tunic dress, a very high heeled
boot ranging from ankle to knee, thick black or colored tights and to keep us
warm a fur trimmed cape. Or go for the more boyish look with a pair of slimfitting pants, a fitted button down shirt, a pair of laced up leather boots and throw on oversized hooded parka to complete the look. If you have been already toying with the idea of a change in look, now is the time to cut those long locks and go for very in style bob with straight bangs or pull out all the stops and go for a short boyish cut. And of course don`t forget the dollish like mascara, the signature for this trend.
Para las chicas, tenemos dos
opciones. Una versión mas femenina; un mini vestido tipo túnica, unas
botas que pueden ser de la altura del tobillo hasta la rodilla, unas medias
tupídas y una capa de pelo. O la segunda opción es un estilo mas
masculino que podemos conseguir con unos pantalones pitillos, una
camisa de hombre pero ajustada, unas zapatos o botas de piel con cordones y robamos esa
parka a nuestro novio y voíla ¨Mod¨. Y si ya llevas tiempo pensando en
cambiar tu look, atrevete con un corte de pelo tipo ¨bob¨ o incluso mas corto y
por supuesto no te olvides de la mascara negra, el sello de esta moda.
Personally, I like to mix styles and from this trend I would take the caramel colours and deep green and mix it into my wardrobe. I already have TOO many black garments so by adding some colour I could make over some of my more drab outfits. I do have some mini shift dresses but I also think a mini skirt would work and I know everyone has one of those in their closets. This season I bought some heeled booties and I also got a few button up shirts. So maybe I would try a combination of slim fitting pants, with a button up shirt, my heeled booties and I will definately look for a fur cape like the one Victoria Beckham is wearing in the picture or an awesome green one, as pictured below. Before I finish, I would like to say that I love the leopard print bag in the picture below as well. In fact I like the whole outfit. She definately knows how to mix and match trends. What do you think?

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